The Beginning of Anabaptism – 1525
…the first adult baptism took place on this day in 1525 in Zurich, Switzerland. This re-baptism led to a disparaging name – The Anabaptists – or re-baptizers.
Anabaptism Today – 2025
Anabaptists Around the World
Shared Values
By the grace of God, we seek to live and proclaim the good news of reconciliation in Jesus Christ. As part of the one body of Christ at all times and places, we hold the following to be central to our belief and practice:
- God is known to us as Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the Creator who seeks to restore fallen humanity by calling a people to be faithful in fellowship, worship, service and witness.
- Jesus is the Son of God. Through his life and teachings, his cross and resurrection, he showed us how to be faithful disciples, redeemed the world, and offers eternal life.
- As a church, we are a community of those whom God’s Spirit calls to turn from sin, acknowledge Jesus Christ as Lord, receive baptism upon confession of faith, and follow Christ in life.
- As a faith community, we accept the Bible as our authority for faith and life, interpreting it together under Holy Spirit guidance, in the light of Jesus Christ to discern God’s will for our obedience.
- The Spirit of Jesus empowers us to trust God in all areas of life so we become peacemakers who renounce violence, love our enemies, seek justice, and share our possessions with those in need.
- We gather regularly to worship, to celebrate the Lord’s Supper, and to hear the Word of God in a spirit of mutual accountability.
- As a world-wide community of faith and life we transcend boundaries of nationality, race, class, gender and language. We seek to live in the world without conforming to the powers of evil, witnessing to God’s grace by serving others, caring for creation, and inviting all people to know Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord.
In these convictions we draw inspiration from Anabaptist forebears of the 16th century, who modelled radical discipleship to Jesus Christ. We seek to walk in his name by the power of the Holy Spirit, as we confidently await Christ’s return and the final fulfillment of God’s kingdom.
Adopted by Mennonite World Conference
General Council
March 15, 2006
Mennonite Mission Network: Prayer Vine
Connected to the true vine: Together, sharing all of
Christ with all of creation
Today, Service Adventure unit leaders are gathering for their mid-year retreat in Denver, Colorado. During the coming week, pray that they will be inspired and strengthened, as they worship together and share the joys and challenges of their ministries.
On January 21
1943 A world record temperature increase occurred at Spearfish, South Dakota, when a Chinook wind caused temperatures to soar from 4 below zero to a balmy 45 degrees in just 2 MINUTES. An hour and a half later, the mercury free fell from 54 degrees to 4 below zero in 27 MINUTES.
1960 Dr. Martin Luther, King, Jr. delivers “The Future of Integration” in Memorial Hall at Bethel College. Dr. King tells the audience: “I never intend to adjust myself to the evils of segregation and discrimination. I never intend to become adjusted to religious bigotry.”
NOTE: Dr. Duane Friesen, professor emeritus at Bethel, used King’s teachings in his classroom. He remembers listening intently from the balcony during King’s speech in 1960. “He kept repeating that we need to be maladjusted to our society; we can’t accept the status quo,” Friesen continues. “And he repeated that over and over again. He was a nonconformist. He had vigor about him, energy. He carried himself with a dignity, a sense of composure.”
1979 The floral arrangement is in memory of our beloved pastor E.J. Miller. His birthday would have been January 16.
2020 The first confirmed case of Covid in the United States came the next day in Washington State, where a man in his 30s developed symptoms after returning from a trip to Wuhan, China.