
Wednesday – October 16, 2024

Encouragement for Today… 

The peace of God that surpasses all understanding
Will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:7

Tonight at 6:15pm!

Come enjoy the World’s #!, Award-winning, Poll-leading, top-ranked, Super Supper called WEFeM or  Wednesday Evening Fellowship Meal featuring:

pulled-pork, cheesy potatoes, AND More!
Suggested donation for the meal
is $4 for adults and $3 for children.
following the meal, Kara Klingenberg
will share about her Medical Mission trips.

And…All are welcome!

Mennonite Mission Network: Prayer Vine
Connected to the true vine: Together, sharing all of
Christ with all of creation

A professor of Islamic studies and Muslim-Christian relationships has committed her life to facilitating conversations and understandings between Christians and Muslims around the world. Pray for her as she travels. Pray also for her many friends, who work in difficult situations of war and other forms of violence.


Send me your request to preach on particular scripture or topic. There is always plenty of scriptures or topics left preach. Thanks!

– Pastor Weldon

On October 16

1878 The first baptism at Grace Hill in America occurs on this day in 1878. Since the new stone church was not yet built was the baptism held in a home? A barn?

1883 Gnadenberg (Grace Hill) hosts the Conference Sessions of the Kansas Conference. Halstead Seminary had been established in 1883. The school committee laid before the Conference “the important question of admitting girls to the school.” The decision of the Conference was to admit girls. It bore immediate fruit as the record shows that ten girls were enrolled during the first year at Halstead.

1890 The 12th General Conference gathering meets in South Dakota. Questions arose over the matter of simplicity. The reply came this was not essential. Some counter whether this was tolerating vanity and fashion too much. Also, a question arose about the attending the World’s Fair in Chicago. (HISORY OF THE MENNONITE GENERAL CONFERENCE, p. 384ff).

1932 JW Kliewer writes in his memoirs he experienced his left side “not functioning as normal.” (p. 111). He suffers a stroke.

Willard & Gladys Reimer
70th Wedding Anniversary

1959                Willard & Mary Ann Wiebe65th Wedding Anniversary

1966 The Social Committee requests that every family of the church should bring ham for the fellowship meal at the upcoming Harvest Thanks Dinner, October 31.

1971 From the History of Whitewater:  Claus Henry Bruhn, born in Germany, immigrates to the U.S. In 1888 he opens a blacksmith shop in Whitewater. His son Herman took over and he retired on October 16, 1971. The oldest business in Whitewater has ended.  The materials and tools that had hand-forged items used in the horse-and-buggy days were auctioned.
            As the workers were preparing for the auction, an item was found that looked like welded pipes.  After closer examination it proved to be an inoperable machine gun.  In the 1920s, The Peoples State Bank was located across the street from the blacksmith shop.  That was an era noted for bank robberies, and to protect the bank, the bankers strategically placed guns in various shops across the street to use in the event of a robbery.

1977 Youth led worship – Moments for the Children – Doug Patterson and Lynn Voth (is the first Children’s Moment during worship?) Offertory – “Sound of Silence” by Simon and Garfunkle.

1994 Have you completed your Air Conditioner Pledge Form yet? Please place them in the box of John Klaassen today. Thank you.