
I John 3:1

See what love the Father has given us,
that we should be called children of God, and that is what we are. 



We will share in the service of the Bread and the Cup.


The Leadership Council approved a special offering this Sunday, February 23, to assist and support the Mennonite churches in eastern DR of Congo. The country is in the midst of major conflict and up-evil.  The security situation remains precarious, many people are not able to access supplies, and prices have risen dramatically for goods such as food and other daily necessities. The offering will go to Africa Inter-Mennonite Missions (AIMM). AIMM is inviting donations to purchase food and provide some financial assistance to families in the area.

Connected to the true vine: Together, sharing all of
Christ with all of creation

After participating in the Mennonite Women USA’s Sister Care workshop in Brazil, Brazilian women organized a team to take this ministry to all the regions of Brazil. Pray for them in the coming year, as they further develop the Sister Care concept to include additional workshops on themes that the women have requested and as they prepare teams in each region to carry on these ministries.

On February 21

1945 Death of Eric Liddell (b. 1902), Scottish Olympic champion and missionary to China. His story is chronicled in the award-winning movie Chariots of Fire, which won the Academy Award for Best Picture in 1981.  The film’s title was inspired by the line “Bring me my Chariot of fire!” from the William Blake poem adapted into the British hymn “Jerusalem”; the hymn is heard at the end of the film. The original phrase “chariot(s) of fire” is from 2 Kings 2:11 and 6:17 in the Bible.

1954 Rev. Herbert Miller’s phone number in Newton is: 2686

1965 Last Thursday evening, at a special church meeting, it was decided to purchase carpet for our church. The committee did an excellent job in research and bringing us a full report. With money that is on hand, we will need an additional $375.00. Should our offering bring more than is needed for our above-mentioned project, the balance will go toward the project.

1999 Kidron Bethel Retirement Services, Inc., 3001 Ivy Drive, North Newton, will host an open house this afternoon to view the new construction. Visitors are welcome to tour the new duplexes between 2:00 – 4:00 pm.

2018 Billy Graham, the most well-known and effective evangelist of the twentieth century, dies at age 99.