

“BBC tracks down smuggler behind Channel crossing which killed Sara, 7”

I urge all to read/view the BBC article in the link below. The article chronicle’s the horrific account of a smuggler who denies he organizes smuggling people across the English Channel. It is in this area that the Givens, the missionaries we support in money and prayer, work in the name of Jesus Christ. The article opens a window for us to see this human tragedy. – Pastor Weldon

Click here → Terror in Calais

Mennonite Mission Network: Prayer Vine
Connected to the true vine: Together, sharing all of Christ with all of creation

Joseph and Rachel Givens are on North American ministry. Pray for their safety as they travel, as well as for a time of renewal and Spirit-inspired sharing in congregations. The Givens request prayer that the governments of France and the United Kingdom begin to respect human rights for all people. Pray for the ministry of Maria Skobtsova House, in Calais, France, as it adapts to new anti-immigration laws.

On July 2

1978 The last Sunday before Weldon and Jenny Martens leave for seminary training at Elkhart, Indiana. Dr. Alvin Beachy from Bethel College preaches. An ensemble from Hoffnungsau Mennonite Church provides special music.

2000 Monday at 8:30 am (if needed) – Work at church preparing for construction. Call Terry Klassen, Marvin Harms, or Kim Claassen if you have questions.

2001 Joint GC and MC Convention at Nashville, TN.

2006 Commissioning Service of Hannah Klaassen to the Jewish Vocational Service in Kansas City, KS.

2021 Kansas Mennonite Relief Sale.