Sunday Service 11/12/2023

Harvest Thanks 2023

Fernando Pérez Ventura & Rebeca González Torres

Today is Harvest Thanks Sunday – Welcome to our guests Fernando Pérez Ventura and Rebeca González Torres. Fernando and Rebeca have served as pastors for over thirty years, in Mexico, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, and the United States. Our local community is especially blessed by their presence, as they are serving as transition pastors for the Casa Betania congregation in Newton.
Rebeca has served for 20 years with community development organizations, and serves with the movement of Anabaptist women doing theology, and on the Faith and Life Commission of Mennonite World Conference.  Fernando has served as the moderator of the Conference of Evangelical Anabaptist Mennonite Churches of Mexico, and currently also serves as professor of theology for several institutions. 
We also welcome Linda Shelly and thank her for providing interpretation.  They will also share during the Sunday School hour.